Salsa Cornbread

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
Salsa Cornbread

Disclaimer: This is a compensated post in collaboration with Sabra. I am a Sabra Tastemaker and am a part of the #SalsaLove campaign. As usual all opinions are my own. Thank you Sabra for making NJB awesomeness possible! It’s now officially soup and cornbread season in these parts of the world. I can get down with it, give me carbs and call it good. Oh you know I love vegetables but carbs are my life givers lol! Something funny,…

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Squash Soup with Herb Mushrooms

by: fabiola in: Entrees, Soup, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Delicata Squash Soup with Herb Mushrooms

Disclosure: This is a compensated post in collaboration with Gourmet Garden Herbs. As usual all opinions are my own. Thank you Gourmet Garden for making NJB awesomeness possible! Mmmmm squash soup can be made in thousands of ways and be the perfect meal. Adding topping makes it a meal, and adding Gourmet Garden herb mushrooms, makes a better squash soup. It’s been a crazy week here at Casa Not Just Baked. I am sure we are all feeling it,…

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Chicken Salsa Empanadas

by: fabiola in: Appetizer, Entrees, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
Salsa Chicken Empanadas

Disclosure: This is a compensated post in collaboration with Sabra Dipping Company Salsa as a Sabra Tastemaker. As usual all opinions are my own. Lets end the year with great food, and happy bellies shall we? I am a big believer in good food for the end of the year festivities and Christmas celebrations. With so much going on around the holidays, its nice to have a bite to eat that you can sit and chill with, like an empanada. Literally you…

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Buttermilk Apple Skillet Cake with Apple Raisin Compote, Tips & Tricks Included!

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Dessert
Buttermilk Apple Skillet Cake with Apple Raisin Compote, Tips & Tricks Included!

I love buttermilk cakes, they are my favorite. I am not just saying, oh I love buttermilk cakes, I mean, really they they are always the best. They lend a tangyness and light texture to the crumb of the cake. That is what I look for in this type of cake. Also technique plays a huge roll in this light texture. Buttermilk helps the team out, if you know what I mean. I enjoy sharing my tips and tricks learned from culinary school and working with…

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Granola with Cashews, Almonds, Dried Apricots, Maple Syrup, and Cardamom

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Snacks
Granola with Cashews, Almonds, Dried Apricots, Maple Syrup, and Cardamom

It’s cold, rainy, and perfect weather to crank the ovens for this recipe. I make this granola throughout the year, using different ingredients, typically seasons flavor. So for now, I’ll stick with this exact recipe. I love the maple syrup and cardamom. It exudes Fall and makes me feel cozy. I topped my oatmeal with a scoop of this for a different texture, with a fresh pear diced in there. Breakfast bliss. Original: This recipe is…

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turkey burger with bacon

by: fabiola in: Entrees
turkey burger with bacon

I love turkey burgers. Sometimes I just want a different kind of a burger. I go with garden burgers, lamb, buffalo, ostrich, salmon, really any kind. But when it comes to turkey, I feel it needs a bit of a boost sometimes, if you know what I mean. It needs a bit of fat to keep it together, and lively. I do not usually put bacon in my turkey burgers, so feel free to omit it. But you will need to add some fat, like cheese, to make it tasty, in…

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Tomato Soup with Chipotle Peppers and Quinoa

by: fabiola in: Entrees, Soup, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Tomato Soup with Chipotle Peppers and Quinoa

With the jars of tomatoes filling our cabinets from the summers bounty, I felt the need to repost this beautiful, healthy, and filling soup. Original: I am just finishing a lovely serving of this tomato soup and I have got to be honest, I am not sure I was breathing while I inhaled the last few bites. There is something special about this spicy tomato soup. It hits all of the right notes for me spicy, sweet, tangy, crunchy, and perfect…

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