Mascarpone Parfaits with Roasted Strawberries and Almonds

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Dessert
Macarpone Parfait with Roasted Strawberries and Almonds

I feel like I can tell when the first strawberry hits the farmers market. Like it telepathically says, “hey I am here”. It does, just so we are clear. As soon as the sun shines, we get juicy strawberries, and I will eat them daily for months, until they are no longer in season. That’s how I roll. Naturally I have been conspiring for new ways to take advantage of the new arriving beauties, and well did I ever. I will be sharing…

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Black Bean Tamale Pie

by: fabiola in: Entrees, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
Black Bean Tamale Pie

Disclosure: This is a compensated post in collaboration with Bush’s Beans and Latina Bloggers. All opinions are my own. This time of year always makes me want more Mexican and Spanish food. The food I grew up eating. I was thinking about it, and because I grew up in a Mexican and Spanish home, it makes sense to crave that food. Where as if you grew up eating pot roast and prime rib for the holidays, you probably crave that right? With…

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Fresh Tomato Sauce Spaghetti

by: fabiola in: Dressings, Condiments, Sauces, Entrees, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Fresh Tomato Sauce Spaghetti

To be quite honest, I just think this is so pretty. And even more honest, it it soooo good! Simple? Well, yes! We were watching a food show a while back and Scott Conant an Italian restaurateur in New York and Miami was showing how he makes the most sweet, simple spaghetti. It is truly divine in its simplicity. I will say it over and over and over again… simple. I stress this because you may thinking, how can it be so good? It’s…

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Linguine with Bacon, Kale, and Chanterelles

by: fabiola in: Entrees, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Linguine with Bacon, Kale, and Chanterelles

How about we start this Fall off with a super comforting new recipe on NJB! I know it’s been Fall for a few weeks, but we’ve been going and going that I didn’t have a moment to cook up a new recipe, so here it is and I’m thinking it’s a good one. Not only does it have bacon, which is great, but it’s not the star here! These gorgeous chanterelle mushrooms are the glory of this dish. They have a short season…

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Pear Chia Seed Green Smoothie

by: fabiola in: Beverages and Smoothies
Pear Chia Seed Green Smoothie

Healthy green smoothies aren’t a new years resolution for me as you may have seen by now, it’s a lifestyle. I’ve made many changes in my life over the past year and making a dedication to green smoothies for myself is a big one. While I’ve been drinking them for years, I now drink one everyday in one way or another. It comes for breakfast mostly, sometimes with a pastry, mostly not though. If it’s the weekend and…

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Green Bean, Broccoli, Carrot, Bell Pepper Garden Stir Fry

by: fabiola in: Entrees, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Green Bean, Broccoli, Carrot, Bell Pepper Garden Stir Fry

It has been a crazy last couple of weeks here in our household. Crazy to me at least, a whirlwind of sorts. An update to a new beginning, again… We had a two week break from school and I went back to Sacramento to visit my family and friends at the beginning of the break. I went for a week, and when I got back we went “camping”. “Camping” was my idea. We had every intention of going real camping when I got back…

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Flour Tortillas

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread
flour tortilla

Just with all of the other so called staples in my life, I have taken it upon myself to make each one from scratch. Flour tortillas are a staple. I do not eat them as often as I would like, everyday, but I do enjoy them from time to time. I like the new and improved healthy version with whole wheat, or even gluten free, but not this time. This time I wanted all out flour tortillas, the warm, versatile, pleasures of this flour tortilla send me…

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