21 day Food Lovers Cleanse Guide, the Story First

by: fabiola in: Appetizer, Beverages and Smoothies, Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Entrees, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free

21 day Food Lovers Cleanse Guide, the Story First This is my intro of sorts to the cleanse I will be doing in a couple of weeks. I’ll be posting my shopping lists, recipe list, and general how to get ready for it soon in case you want to do a cleanse or incorporate healthy recipes into your diet. This is not a New Years resolution type deal. I do these a couple of times a year, and it happened to be this is when we had time to do one. I…

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Jovial Olive Oil Review {Sponsored}

by: fabiola in: Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
Jovial Olive Oil Review {Sponsored}

This post is sponsored. I received the product for review, as well as compensation for this post. As usual my opinions are all my own. I research companies before I agree to work with them to make sure they align with my food beliefs and standards. Jovial Foods is one of those companies. Check out their products, they are good peoples. I am overly joyed to be working with them. This product would make a great gift for the chef or inspired cook…

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by: lifeechoed in:
Fabiola Donnelly Vancouver Washington Portland Oregon Cooking Classes

You can meet Fabiola Donnelly in Vancouver, Washington and Portland, Oregon Cooking Classes! Welcome to Not Just Baked! Thank you for stopping by, I hope you feel welcome every time your here. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to let me know, just ask! That’s why I am here. ~Fabi Fabiola Donnelly is a cooking instructor, an author, a photographer, and a recipe developer. She shares many of these passions on Not Just Baked;…

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Chicken Salsa Empanadas

by: fabiola in: Appetizer, Entrees, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
Salsa Chicken Empanadas

Disclosure: This is a compensated post in collaboration with Sabra Dipping Company Salsa as a Sabra Tastemaker. As usual all opinions are my own. Lets end the year with great food, and happy bellies shall we? I am a big believer in good food for the end of the year festivities and Christmas celebrations. With so much going on around the holidays, its nice to have a bite to eat that you can sit and chill with, like an empanada. Literally you…

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No Bake Superfood Chewy Granola Bars

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Snacks, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
No Bake Superfood Chewy Granola Bars

I’ve been a granola, grain, healthy foods loving person my entire life. Nuts, seeds, random Himalayan berries, I’m down with all of it. But I also enjoy a good old school chewy granola bar from my youth. It’s just that most of them are way to artificial and sweet for my taste buds now, so I never buy them or eat them. But I want them, I enjoy them when they are homemade and less sweet, so I decided to make my own. Granted…

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Kimchi Noodle Soup

by: fabiola in: Entrees, Soup, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Kimchi Noodle Soup

I saw this recipe back in November in Bon Appetit for after Thanksgiving indulgences and it looked like heaven to me. I made it on our vacation over the holidays and totally loved it! But I made it a little different and added my own twist and process on making it. I love Kimchi and have made it at home several times, it’s actually pretty easy. It takes a bit of time and attention to cleanliness but so worth it. Anything with kimchi and…

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Herb Chicken and Potato Pizza

by: fabiola in: Entrees, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Herb Chicken and Potato Pizza

Grab your family and make this Herb Chicken and Potato Pizza together for fun in the kitchen! It’s a unique combination served in many pizza restaurants around the country. Trust me and try it, the whole family will love it! Easily made vegetarian by omitting the chicken too! Here’s the thing, I am a pizza particular lady. While I do enjoy many pizza types, I have my favorites. I can get down with the country wide franchise pizza…

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