Torta Ahogada (Tomato and Chipotle Sauce Drowned Sandwich)

by: fabiola in: Entrees, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
Torta Ahogada-Tomato and Chipotle Sauce Dunked Chicken Sandwich

Disclosure: This is a compensated post in collaboration with Hunts and Latina Bloggers. As usual all opinions are my own. Thank you Hunts and Latina Bloggers for making NJB awesomeness possible! It’s been one Mexican celebration after another this week on NJB hasn’t it?!! I’m good with it, and so was the family, who got to enjoy all of these goodies. It started out with Chiles en Nogada, then sweet Almond Raisin Cookies, and…

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Pabassinas: Almond, Raisin Cookies

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Dessert
Pabassinas- Almond Raisin Cookies

Super funny story about this cookie set up… My producer over at AM Northwest’s had an idea to share a cool recipe to celebrate Dia de los Muertos and the upcoming release of a movie I am super excited to see, The Book of Life. I love animated movies and dessert, so this worked out! Here is the segment on ABC’S KATU AM Northwest! I was brainstorming ideas to share on the segment, when this tasty cookie popped in my head, so I…

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1000 Cooks for the Cure by KitchenAid and Agua de Jamaica (Hibiscus Water)

by: fabiola in: Beverages and Smoothies

KitchenAid has asked me to participate in the 1000 Cooks for the Cure to bring awareness to the on going battle against breast cancer. I made an Agua de Jamaica as it has a beautiful bright pink color and wonderful natural benefits for our health. Please take a moment and visit each link for more information on how you can be involved and buy Pink products to share you support. Here is what KitchenAid’s site has to say… “Eat…

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Strawberry Hibiscus Lime Cooler

by: fabiola in: Beverages and Smoothies
Strawberry, Hibiscus, Lime Cooler

It’s hot outside, probably no matter where you are sitting, at least in the U.S. Even for here in the Pacific Northwest, it’s over ninety, which is warm. It’s not nasty hot, just enough to make a sweet, tasty beverage that can quench any thirst. Typically I recommend, and practice, myself, drinking a ton of water. But after a day of drinking tons of water, I need a flavored beverage, that I may or may not add wine too,…

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Sautéed Shaved Brussel Sprouts

by: fabiola in: Salad, Side Dishes and Vegetables, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Sautéed Shaved Brussel Sprouts

This Sautéed Shaved Brussel Sprouts dish is made in minutes for a healthy side dish for pork, chicken, fish, or even a stuffed baked sweet potato for a vegetarian dish! Last month I went on a trip with several amazing Pacific Northwest Food bloggers to the Tualatin Valley right outside Portland, Oregon. It was a few days packed full of tasty food, of course, women talking the business of blogging and owning web based businesses, and talking…

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Peach Goat Cheese Tarts

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Dessert
Peach Goat Cheese Tarts

I’ve made many galette recipes every year a different variety, several dough making lessons, tv shows teaching Helen on AM Northwest on pie makings, even savory flavor galettes too. But today we are hitting the easy button for a sweet Summer, flaky pastry dough treat. You can totally make homemade flaky dough for this dessert but if you need something a bit easier, use a puff pastry dough sheet and make these Peach Goat Cheese Tarts!…

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Oatmeal Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies

by: fabiola in: Dessert
Oatmeal Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Life comes together in strange ways sometimes. A whisper in the air reminds me to take a deep breathe, slow down, smell the roses. A tired body reminds me to rest, an irritating driver reminds me to be patient. A rude person reminds me to be nicer than I want to be sometimes. These are all changes that I have been making and reminding myself to practice on a daily basis, simply because I would rather be happy and super nice than stressed, mad,…

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