21 day Food Lovers Cleanse Guide, the Story First

by: fabiola in: Appetizer, Beverages and Smoothies, Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Entrees, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free

21 day Food Lovers Cleanse Guide, the Story First This is my intro of sorts to the cleanse I will be doing in a couple of weeks. I’ll be posting my shopping lists, recipe list, and general how to get ready for it soon in case you want to do a cleanse or incorporate healthy recipes into your diet. This is not a New Years resolution type deal. I do these a couple of times a year, and it happened to be this is when we had time to do one. I…

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My Writing Process Blog Tour

by: fabiola in: Travel and Stories
My Writing Process Blog Tour

When my friend and fellow food blogger Jane asked me if I could write up a post for “My Writing Process Blog Tour” I knew it was going to be fun, challenging, and introspective. So I gladly said I would share my writing process with you all! Jane and I met at the Big Travelling Potluck where we just clicked. She is the generous, lovely, and talented person behind the blog, The Heritage Cook. She shares her recipes that are all…

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Garlic Herb Grilled Pork Tenderloin

by: fabiola in: Entrees
Garlic Herb Grilled Pork Tenderloin

We’re having an odd warm up in our area, totally perfect for hot grilling. Plus we bought a new grill and I am in love. We had our other grill for eight years and it did so well with three moves, rain, snow, and it wasn’t top of the line, so good job grill, you did us well! And now we move onto our new grill, we got a smaller one, but it is super efficient even heating, super good quality, perfect for us grill. And I could not be…

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White Bean and Arugula Salad with Blood Orange Dressing

by: fabiola in: Salad, Side Dishes and Vegetables, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
White Bean Arugula Salad with Blood Orange Dressing

I wanted to share this recipe for this white bean and arugula salad with blood orange dressing again because it is the perfect salad for this weekends celebrations. It’s great for a vegetarian, vegan, or a filling side salad. Enjoy your family and friends and sun shining! Original 2014 post: As you can see we have a new look here! This is my way of launching this new, beautiful, bespoke space. I may do another post, just on the nuts and…

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Goat Cheese Bacon Croquettes with Pink Bubbly

by: fabiola in: Appetizer, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
Goat Cheese Bacon Croquettes with Pink Bubbly

Totally not gonna lie here, this is a repost from last year! The week following Christmas needs great appetizers for those that make food for New Years parties, and even smaller gatherings. I’m making these again this year, and you all know I am on vacation for a couple of weeks, so it seemed fitting ot repost these for you to enjoy again! Have a glorious, safe, and Happy New Years friends! I hope it blesses each one of you with all good…

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Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie

by: fabiola in: Beverages and Smoothies, Snacks, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie

We are officially moved into our new home! To think three weeks ago we were packing boxes wondering where we would be living. Then in the next moments we get the go ahead on the house we love, pack faster, hire movers, and now I am sitting in my new living room. The sliding door is wide open, it’s raining, and I feel at home. We moved two weeks ago over the weekend with the perfect weather. The following week I had the tv show for Sabra…

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Chicken Salsa Empanadas

by: fabiola in: Appetizer, Entrees, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
Salsa Chicken Empanadas

Disclosure: This is a compensated post in collaboration with Sabra Dipping Company Salsa as a Sabra Tastemaker. As usual all opinions are my own. Lets end the year with great food, and happy bellies shall we? I am a big believer in good food for the end of the year festivities and Christmas celebrations. With so much going on around the holidays, its nice to have a bite to eat that you can sit and chill with, like an empanada. Literally you…

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