Thai Salmon Skewers

by: fabiola in: Entrees, Sponsored, TV Cooking Segments
Thai Salmon Skewers

Disclosure: This is a compensated post in collaboration with Gourmet Garden US Herbs. As usual all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that support NJB! This is such a Summer meal, it couldn’t be more Summer! Salmon is in super season right now, from King Salmon to Copper River. Making these Thai Salmon Skewers in under twenty minutes makes it an even better dish to cook for this weather. Getting outside to grill in…

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Roasted Radishes and Carrots with Greek Yogurt

by: fabiola in: Appetizer, Side Dishes and Vegetables
Roasted Radishes and Carrots with Greek Yogurt Dip

Disclosure: This is a compensated post in collaboration with Sabra Dipping Company. As usual all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that support NJB. How is it the Fourth of July already?!! I usually don’s say, time flies, but whoa has it ever this past few months. Per usual, I like to pay attention, live in the moment, and enjoy each day as it comes. I suppose it’s been easier said than done as of late. This…

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Peach Goat Cheese Tarts

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Dessert
Peach Goat Cheese Tarts

I’ve made many galette recipes every year a different variety, several dough making lessons, tv shows teaching Helen on AM Northwest on pie makings, even savory flavor galettes too. But today we are hitting the easy button for a sweet Summer, flaky pastry dough treat. You can totally make homemade flaky dough for this dessert but if you need something a bit easier, use a puff pastry dough sheet and make these Peach Goat Cheese Tarts!…

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Cantaloupe Peach Smoothie

by: fabiola in: Beverages and Smoothies
Cantaloupe Peach Smoothie

Cantaloupes are popping up at our local grocery stores in huge numbers and I am all over it! I’ve never made a cantaloupe smoothie the way I make our regular green smoothies, and every time I opened the fridge I’d smell them and they were yelling at me to put them into a green smoothie. So I did. AND OMGOSH. I’ve made them several times now, to get the ratio right and since then about two weeks ago, that is all I want. The…

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Lightened-Up Pad Thai in Under 15 Minutes

by: fabiola in: Entrees
Lightened-Up Pad Thai in Under 15 Minutes

I am super happy to share another cookbook with you today! It’s not often I have two cookbooks to talk about in one month, but it happened and you need to know about it! Andie Mitchell is the sweetest fellow food blogger and she has written a cookbook, Eating in the Middle- A Mostly Wholesome Cookbook. How perfect is that?!! So perfect, especially seeing as last week I spoke about this very subject and it’s the basics of my site,…

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Orange Banana Smoothie

by: fabiola in: Beverages and Smoothies, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free
Orange Banana Smoothie

This Sunshine Orange Banana Smoothie Recipe is dessert, breakfast and snack time in one! Make dessert and add spinach for your breakfast green smoothie. I’ve been on a non spinach version for dessert smoothie kick for a few weeks now, trying different flavors and loving all of them! I make this version then add spinach for the green version the next morning. It satiates my want for something sweet, which is awesome fruits, then add the…

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Raspberries, Milk, and Sugar

by: fabiola in: Breakfast, Brunch, Bread, Dessert
raspberries in milk and sugar

Such a sweet, tart, creamy discovery. It wasn’t until my late twenties when I came upon this little treasure of simple goodness, and I will never look back. Brian and I had just finished dinner, and we were talking dessert, checking out what we could make from what was in the fridge. He saw the raspberries, and said the words… milk, sugar, and raspberries. I looked puzzled, I am sure of that one. He reassured me that it is one of…

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