Cucumber Salad

cucumber salad

The weather has been a bit strange all over the country this spring.  One day I am bbqing, the next I am making soup to help warm up my bones.  Today it was warm, sunny, and beautiful.  Perfect for a cool summer type salad.  And many times I look at what I have in the fridge and just get creative.  This I must admit was inspired by a fantastic meal at Cafe Jerusalem on Evergreen street in downtown Vancouver.  While eating that amazing meal of Lamb Shawarma, tabouli salad, hummus, and pita, I pondered the ingredients in my fridge, as I often do.  You may be thinking I should be enjoying the moment, but believe me I was in the moment devouring that lamb.  That may have been the best plate of middle eastern food I have ever enjoyed! SO GOOD!!!!

Cucumber Salad

Serves: 6


1/3 cup rice vinegar

2 tablespoons sesame oil

1 teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper

1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt

3 medium tomatoes chopped

2 large cucumbers chopped

1 cup of kalamata olives, or black olives sliced

1/4 medium red onion dices or thinly sliced

1/2 cup feta cheese


1. Mix vinegar, oil, pepper, and salt in a large bowl. Add tomatoes, cucumber, olives,onion, and feta. Toss to combine. Serve cold. Store in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

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